This past weekend my mom and I drove up north some, and spent the day at Aventura Mall in Florida . Aventura mall is probably my dream place to shop; this is because they have everything and anything you could want or need to buy. Every big department store like bloomies, nordstrom’s, macy’s. In Miami if I would want to go to bloomies and nordstrom's I would need to drive to two separate malls. So for a full day of shopping where you want to go to lots of department stores in one place Aventura Mall is definitely the place to go. Besides the big anchor department stores, they also have all of my favorite small shops such an anthropologie, jcrew, juicy couture, forever 21, bcbg, zara, steven, louis vuitton (newly opened), and the list goes on and on. I could have easily spent the whole day and night at Aventura but thankfully for my pocket book we had an appointment at 5pm so we had to cut our shopping day. Of course this only leaves me wanting to plan another fun filled shopping day at Aventura, but I think ill wait a couple weeks until my funds are replenished.
Aqua dress via bloomies (old)
Sanctuary Vest via bloomies found HERE
vest also writen about - vested interest
TOMS via nordstrom found HERE
Tory Burch "Carlin" handbag sold out found HERE
loehmanns necklace
chloe sunglasses via Off Saks (old)

It makes me a little sad that Thanksgiving is the forgotten holiday. I especially realized that this weekend when the entire Avenutra Mall was decked head to toe in Christmas decorations! Some of the best decorations i have ever seen, by the way, especially the gigantic train display. So i guess its ok and i will just have to deal with the fact that Thanksgiving is never decorated for. It does feel pretty magical to see the Christmas spirit everywhere you go for a month + , makes me wish the Christmas season was even longer, time is just flying by.