I realized something this Monday during The Bachelorette show and that something is that the best part of this show is reading all the amazingly hilarious tweets while watching. Especially tweets from @possessionista, @jenniferweiner, and @andilavs, plus all my twitters friends. Apparently bachelorette fans or god knows what, crashed twitter this week and the effects were devastating. No fun, no fun at all. I watched two hours of Ashley alone, with no one else making fun of her and nothing to laugh at. Moving on, this week we got to see the families and homes of the four remaining suitors, and they were more than I expected. All four seem to come from very loving, beautiful families. Their families all live in the cutest picturesque homes. From Constantine’s huge Greek family gathering, to Ames' beautiful setting, Ben's cottage in Sonoma (where I could happily move to um...tomorrow), and finally JP's amazing home and adorable mom. These guys obviously have it going on, and would be a welcomed catch to any girl I know. I was a little worried of just how many times JP's ex girlfriend came up, she is quickly becoming the new Bentley. Is he over her? Really, though? His family seems to be very concerned and they never want him to go through that type of heartbreak ever again. Just what did this girl do to him? And who is she? Yes, I am dying to know! Again we saw glimmers of Ashley’s insecurity when she had to ask JP repeatedly not once, but twice, (that they aired who really knows how many times it was) why he was sure of her, why he likes her? It's almost like she can’t believe she can get a catch like JP and I have to say I kind of agree... why JP? Maybe he’s on the rebound; I'm starting to think that’s the answer. I could be wrong though, wouldn’t be the first time.
The previews were my favorite part of the show, leaving me wanting much more. I can’t wait to see what drama is going to unfold between Ashley and one of the remaining three men, it looks like one of them goes sour and fast. There's a return of a past contestant....hmmmmm I wonder who? Just please don’t let it be Bentley.
Photo: abc.com
uumm i can't wait to see the cat fight with her sister!!! talk about Family DRAMA!!!!