Ladies and Gentlemen we have the Final Four!!! My 5 favorites from the bio pictures are officially all gone from the show, and I would like to say if any one of them are still single Hey! So I'm I. Especially you Ryan! I know Ryan came off as a little bit of a jerk and most people don’t think he was sincere, but I liked Ryan. I love his job, the fact he cares so much about the environment means he has a huge heart. Not to mention I love his all American good looks, especially that little scruffy beard he had going on during last night’s episode, very cutie. Episode 7 was kind of a snooze fest. Nothing too exciting going on. Ben stayed over night with Ashley, in his own room, they say. This made JP have a little bit of a hissy fit. Good thing Ashley gave him the rose on the group date, wouldn’t want the toddler to go throw a tantrum. Don’t get me wrong, I really like JP but the man should be a little bit more secure, JP is no competition for any of these guys. He is definitely the front runner. Ben and Constantine are both one in the same to me, I don’t see any difference between them. Then we have Ames, I basically think Ames is there just out of default. Don’t really know what he is painting on the show, and he doesn’t really bring much of anything to it. I don’t think he is into Ashley and I don’t think Ashley is into him. I definitely think that spot should have gone to Lucas or Ryan, but I am no bachelorette. I loved how when Ashley was walking Lucas out she tried to explain herself to him, he interrupted and just said a nice cordial goodbye and walked away. Good Job Lucas no need to hear any more from her. At the end Ashley had a little break down and finally realized what we have all been thinking for weeks- that she is not cut out to be the bachelorette.
During the last 20 minutes of the program we got to see the infamous interview between Chris Harrison and Emily Maynard, the girl that should have the bachelorette. I think we all basically knew what was going to be talked about and had already read most of the interview in magazines/blogs. I think Emily looked beautiful as always. I would have picked a different top to wear wtih her skirt, dont think that top with the under cami was the best option for her to wear, but she is so beautiful she can basically wear anything she wants. Didn't really feel that bad for Emily with the whole paparazzi sob story. Come on you knew what you were signing on for, most people on the bachelor and/or bachelorette say they are on the show to fall in love and get married. But you have to know in the back of their minds they are thinking, "it wouldn't hurt if I get a big break from this". Just as Melissa from Jason's season did. Let's not forget Emily did work on TV before going on the bachelor, she was the host of an auto car show named Three Wild Life and Emily on the Scene.
Catch a sneak peak here:
Love it. I always wait to read your blogs the next day always in tune with exactly what happened. Nice job.