Sitting in my living room surrounded by my girlfriends who also love to watch the bachelorette I was inevitably crushed when what I was dreading all season finally happened. JP got down on one knee with his 4 carat $150,000.00 Neil Lane engagement ring and proposed to Ashley. Ughhhhhhh! In past seasons I have been elated by this moment and so happy for the couple, but I just could not get there or feel that for these two. If you have been reading my after the rose recaps all season, then you are very much aware by now how I feel about Ashley. No she doesn’t deserve JP, yes I think he can do much much better, but you know what I think I would have felt the same if it was Ben she picked. Ashley just never measured up to what a bachelorette should be for me. Regardless she got her happy ending and a very good looking one at that.
Ashley’s sister, Chrystie, thought she should pick Ben. Chrystie had very strong feelings about Ashley's relationship with JP, and made them heard loud and clear. I obviously don’t know Ashley, but I'm assuming her sister does and she really felt as though JP was the absolute wrong choice for Ashley. Of course this just made Ashley very emotional and hurt, I think this was because at that moment Ashley already knew she was going to pick JP (she had known for weeks) and she really wanted her family to fall in love with him, but they didn’t. Since Ashley is one of the most insecure people I have ever seen on a reality TV show this made her question a decision that I am sure she had already made. As always happens with these things, Chrystie did love Ben and felt that he would be the better pick for Ashley. No worries though Chrystie and JP have made up and are all friendly and loving now, or at least that’s what they wanted us to believe when Chrystie sat with the happy couple during the after the rose show.
I have very serious issues with how the whole proposal went down between Ben and Ashley. Why did Ashley let Ben go on and on professing his love to her? Why did she let him get down on one knee and stay there for five long seconds? Yes I counted. No way producers forced her to do that. There have many other bachelorettes that have stopped the person that they knew they weren’t going to pick before it went that far. But not our girl Ashley, no she had to make sure she destroyed Ben. It was almost as though she needed that re-assurance and that confidence knowing that Ben wanted her, and it just felt too good for her that she couldn’t let herself stop him. I thought it was ruthless and showed what type of a person she is. She should have told him right away that it wasn’t him, and she should have NEVER let him get down on one knee. Ben did the most perfect thing he could have ever done, he walked away from her and when she tried to stop him, he simply said he wasn’t interested in any story from her and that situations like this are not going to end with all parties happy and ok. GREAT job Ben! We were cheering for you.
Finally here comes JP, and Ashley is standing waiting for him with the rose already in hand, making sure he knew that rose was for him. Before he even had to tell her anything he was getting that last rose. A little patience, maybe? I would have liked to at least hear something from him before she gave him the rose. He said I love yous, she finally got to say her I love yous, which she had been dying to say for the longest time. It’s a month and a half people, and this girl just stopped talking about Bentley three weeks ago, how long could she really have been waiting to tell JP “I love you”. He then proposed which she obviously accepted and they ran into the water with her $17,000 Randi Rahm dress. ( So that’s all folks. I saw a little bit of the after the rose, enough to see that they are still in love, together, happy, and still planning on getting married. Mazel Tov. Here's hoping you beat the odds kiddos. It’s been fun sharing my thoughts on another dramatic season of this great franchise. Don’t miss me too much my bachelor posts will be back come January when the bachelor returns once again. Please let it be Mickey McLean!!!
ok here we go:
ReplyDelete1. if Mikey is the Bachelor I'm watching every episode at your house. I. LOVE. HIM!
2. Did you notice he hardly spoke on after the final rose? I thought they would ask him about his exit.
3. THAT DRESS WAS NOT $17K!! And she went in the ocean with it??!? Yea, for sure they have stylists! (her stylists should've done something about her over done skimpy outfits.
4. I think you should tweet a link to this and include @evolvewines... maybe it'll ignite some fire! :) xoxox