Poor Ashley! If I had to go through what she went through on Monday night's show I would be a total complete insecure mess. As I've expressed many times, though I don’t think that Ashley is "bachelorette" material the cruelty that she's going through is just too much, and hard to watch. These guys have seriously crossed the line. Ill get to Bentley in a little, but let's start with William. I initially thought William was a great a guy, I thought he was very handsome just from his bio picture, and then continued to really like him after their first one on one date. But Boy, did William show his true colors on Monday night! I was very doubtful of William's job from the beginning, a cell phone salesman, and now it seems clear to me that William is on the show with hopes of becoming successful at a different career. I know I know, he’s not the first one to go on the bachelor/bachelorette franchise hoping it will do something for his career and/or future but I don’t think anyone has ever made it as obvious! He was so excited to be able to get the attention of TV people and maybe finally fulfill his life long dream of becoming a comedian that he got lost in that excitment and went way too far during his roast. When he said he was expecting Emily or Shawntel to be the bachelorette, he completely crossed the line. No One Laughed!!!
Could it get any worse after that? Yes, it can. Bentley decides that while Ashley is sitting in a corner crying her eyes out, it would be the perfect opportunity to fake comfort her and mess with her head a little bit more (he actually says that) wow this guy! He tells Ashley that out of the 25 potential suitors 24 were happy it was her waiting outside the limo. Making it very clear to the audience that the 1 missing suitor is himself, but not making it at all clear to Ashley. When Bentley decides to finally leave the next morning I was happy he was going to be honest with himself and stop messing with poor Ashley. It seemed that he was at least being truthful with the cameras and himself, but again I was deeply disappointed in Bentley when he lied to Ashley about his real reasons for leaving, and left her with a . . . and some hope for the future. I'm seriously considering sending Ashley the book and/or movie "He's just not that into you", because she actually falls for this again. This is not the last we will see of Bentley; Chris Harrison tweeted this a couple days ago, so prepare yourselves. The only good thing that came out of the whole Bentley situation is that JP had his one on one date that night, and he was able to pick up the pieces of Ashley's broken heart. Who better for this job than JP? He can cure my broken heart any time. JP is a great guy and I hope for Ashley's sake she can get over the Bentley situation and truly open her heart to him. (Ashley lets keep the pjs and glasses for only your eyes in the future)
Next week the traveling begins!!! I love when the shows finally leaves LA and starts to travel around the world, one of my favorite parts of the show is to be able to see all the different places they go to. The journey begins in Phuket, Thailand. Catch a sneak peak here courtesy of abc.
Photo & Video from abc.com
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