Debuting two Sundays ago AMC has done it once again, completely hooking me on the Killing. A cross between silence of the lambs/csi/criminal minds (all favorites) you must start watching the Killing as soon as possible. The whole season is the mystery of one death, the killing of good girl Rosie Larsen who ended up dead and tortured at the bottom of a lake, inside the trunk of politician and mayor candidate Darren Richmond's campaign car. Every character is a suspect and just when you think you know for sure who the murderer is the whole story changes. Staying true to AMC story telling, and reminding me of that Mad Men style, this is not a show that explains to you everything little thing that is happening, you need to devote your full attention for the whole hour it plays because once you miss something its gone. As I like to call Mad Men and now The Killing this is smart TV, therefor while you're watching, it doesn’t feel like your brain cells are rotting. You know the way how some reality TV shows might make our brain cells feel, lol. (don’t hate, I also love reality TV) Just saying if you are bored just a little from all the reality TV out there and you want to watch a different type of show, something that will make you think, watch the Killing, it’s definitely worth an hour of your Sunday night. Warning: Be careful to watch this right before lights out and bedtime, the last two Sundays I have experienced major difficulty sleeping and have had plenty of nightmares regarding poor Rosie.
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